Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More About Argentina

A couple of things I forgot to add to my last post that I have discovered about Argentina. 1: People here have no idea about time! They do not even start to go out to the bar until 2 am and they only end the night at about 6am. The idea of going to the bar at 11pm is laughed at, noone will be there! And it is very true, it is helped by the fact that the sun doesn´t go down until 10pm but still starting the night at 2am is crazy! 2: They have no change down here. you almost always have to have the correct change or close to the correct change to buy stuff. Which makes no sence to me because if the store doesn´t have the change I am not sure how everyone else is supposed to. 3: learning spanish in Argentina is extra hard because they have a special way of talking here that is different from the rest of south america.

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